Saturday 16 October 2010

LoadRunner Clean-up utility is a simple VBScript tool which will remove all unnecessary files from the LoadRunner script folder to reduce its size. Utility is pre-configured to remove all standard files which are generated by LR during script or scenario execution.

All default settings can be modified by editing first few lines of the script file. Following is the first section of the script which defines which files and folders should be removed from the script. Please note the in order to simplify and make easier to read I’ve removed full list of files and folders for each of the four filters.

To see full list and explanation of VUGen files which can safety be removed from script folder please read this post.

Dim aFolderFilter: aFolderFilter = Array(".DS_Store", "result1")
Dim aFileNameFilter: aFileNameFilter = Array("pre_cci.c", "output.txt")
Dim aFileExtentionFilter: aFileExtentionFilter = Array("idx", "bak", "ci")
Dim aFileFilterRegEx: aFileFilterRegEx = Array("combined_*.c")

Dim aIgnoreFolders: aIgnoreFolders = Array(".Trash")

'Leave blank to use script location as a start
Dim sStartFolder : sStartFolder = ""

Const CLEANUP_SCRIPT_NAME = "CleanUp.vbs"
' You shouldn't need to change anything below this line

The four first lines in the script define four filters which will be used to recognise files and folders to remove.
  • aFolderFilter – list of folder names which should be removed
  • aFileNameFilter – exact file names for files which to be removed
  • aFileExtentionFilter – exact extension of the files to be removed
  • aFileFilterRegEx – file names to be removed where asterisk (*) represents any sequence of characters
To add new entry, simply insert additional parameter to the Array function call. In the following example new folder name called data is added to the folder filter:

Dim aFolderFilter: aFolderFilter = Array(".DS_Store", "result1", "data")

Start folder
Utility will scan all files and subfolders of the folder where it is located and remove all (see description of Trash folder below) files matching filter description. It scans the folder structure recursively going into all sub folders and using the same filters for each folder.

This behaviour can be overwritten by setting start location in the script configuration section. If the sStartFolder value is set to empty string (represented by two double-quotes) the default behaviour is used and the script starts processing from the folder where the script is located.

Using following line instead of the default one will start processing from the “C:\LoadRunnerScripts” folder regardless of where the script file is located:

Dim sStartFolder : sStartFolder = "C:\LoadRunnerScripts"

Clean-up script will always process folders before attempting to remove any files. This ensures that no individual files will be removed using file matching filters in case the whole folder is due to be removed.

Script will always attempt to locate custom CleanUp script in each subfolder it tries to process. That means that if the script finds CleanUp.vbs file inside any subfolder it will delegate responsibility of processing that subfolder to the custom script and will move to the next folder.

Name of the CleanUp script can be set to other one by changing value of the constant variable called: CLEANUP_SCRIPT_NAME.

Trash folder
Clean-up utility will not remove any file or folder from the machine but only move it to the Trash folder located in the same folder as the script. If the script is copied to and run from “Desktop\LR_Repository” Trash folder will be created within “Desktop\LR_Repository” folder.

Utility will recreate folder structure of the original files and folders within Trash folder. If the file which is to be removed is located in “Desktop\LR_Repository\Scripts\HR\HolidayApproval\output.txt” it will be moved to “Desktop\LR_Repository\.Trash\Scripts\HR\HolidayApproval\output.txt”

The same rule apply to folders.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Put your LoadRunner scripts on diet!

There are multiple ways of making LR script folder a bit smaller in size which could be beneficial, if the script needs to be archived and stored for extended periods of time. Just to name a few methods here:

Operate from ZIP file
  • Saving and opening LoadRunner scripts in ZIP archives
  • Saving LoadRunner scripts in compressed Windows folders
  • Removing unnecessary files
Maintaining big script repository and taking regular backup of the entire script repository could be very disk-space hungry exercise particularly if all runtime data files and execution results are also unnecessarily being backed up.

As an example simple few steps script could have size of about 10MB after recording and the folder size could grow to 13MB after script execution which is about 30% increase. This increase in size caused by run-time data files, logs, VUGen execution result folders and backup files which are not required for the script to work properly.

I want to make clear here what I mean when I say VUGen execution result folders I don’t mean a result folder which is created during LR scenario execution. VUGen results are stored within a script folder and are created when the script is run on its own from within VUGen and are called result1, result2, result3, etc.
The simplest solution to save some space quickly (which I’ve been using for the past years) is to remove VUGen execution result folders which will usually release few hundred MB of disk space without removing any vital part of the script.

Additional space can be released by removing variety of other files which I will now explain.


  • data – useful folder containing html files, pictures and other items captured by LaodRunner during recording. I would recommend keeping that folder within the script folder but if the disk space usage is crucial and scripts size needs to be reduced for archiving this folder could also be deleted. It is not required for successful execution of the test script.
    result1 – default result directory for VUGen execution result folder. Note that tester can specify different result folder manually. LR will create folder with next number if it is not possible to obtain full rights to result1 folder.
  • .DS_Store – this folder is not created by LR or even Windows operating system but by Mac OS. It can be created if someone accesses script folder from Mac which might be the case if the scripts are stored in shared location such as corporate shared drive.

File extensions:

  • idx – binary index file for used to store parameter values
  • bac – backup files for script, output, and other types of VUGen files
  • ci – it is a final Compiled Image of the LR script

Full file names:
  • pre_cci.c – concatenation of all C code and lrun.h header file
  • output.txt – same text which is displayed in LR GUI in Replay Log
  • options.txt – options passed to the LR compiler pre-processor
  • logfile.txt – additional log file
  • logfile.log – additional log file
  • mdrv_cmd.txt – parameters passed to the mdrv.exe utility which compiles and runs the LR script
Other files with random filename parts (asterisk represents random part in the file name):
  • combined_*.c – concatenated/combined list of header files used by LR script
  • mdrv*.log – log file for the mdrv.exe process
All of those files could be removed manually with a help of windows build-in search utility. In order to simplify that task I’ve built small but mighty tool in VBSctript which can automate this task.

To learn more about a clean-up tool for LR script folders please read on here. You will find a link to the utility and brief explanation on how to configure it to your linking.

If you want to understand how LaodRunner compiler is working "under to hood" have a look at this the LoadTester website.

Friday 8 October 2010

On-line tools useful in scripting

With the arrival of Web 2.0 technologies such as AJAX and its variation based on JSon (AJAJ) performance testers have to deal with new kind of requests and responses.
Although JSON structure is more lightweight it is harder to read JSON code then it is to read XML.
Code prettifies can make it a bit simpler to understand the structure of JSON object however it is still a bit difficult to read in the plain text form.

While looking for a solution I come across this fantastic JSON to HTML converter tool which is available online at:

Posix timestamp
Occasionally web application can use timestamps in the web request or response in the POSIX/Unix time format. It is a 10 or 13 digit number which represents number of seconds (for 10 digit number) or milliseconds (for 13 digit number) since 1 January 1970.

Since converting the POSIX time to the form we can understand is probably not an option for anyone here is a link to the online tool which can be of use to everyone. It allows for converting POSIX timestamp to human readable version and vice versa:

XPath test bed
While working with XML documents it is sometimes useful to refer to the individual nodes by their location and attributes. Having to re-run the whole test each time we get the XPath query wrong can be very frustrating. This online allows for uploading XML document and running XPath query against it:

URL encode and decode
Any string which is passed to the server in the Query String has to be URL encoded before it can be sent to the server.
In most of the cases it is just a single value or just few words which can be easily read with some basic understanding of URLEncoding structure.

For those more complex cases where a longer value is URLEncoded following online tool can be used. It can encode and decode any string:

Syntax highlighter
This last utility is probably less useful then the others but nevertheless can be handy at a times. As the name suggests syntax highlighter can apply style colours to many types of code making it easier to read